Sharepoint blog How To

SharePoint Sharing Simplified: Ensuring Secure Collaboration 

Sharepoint sharing agat

Sharing links is a fantastic feature that enables seamless file and folder sharing with just a single click. This convenience eliminates the need to attach files to emails and facilitates collaboration across various messaging apps. However, this ease of Sharepoint sharing increases the necessity for stringent control measures. That’s why Microsoft developed features to control who can share. But is that enough? 

Sharing and collaborating on documents simultaneously with colleagues is straightforward. You can request feedback and post links to help others access your content. However, this convenience comes at a price: users may unknowingly share sensitive information with unintended recipients. 

Let’s explore what actions only a SharePoint service administrator or Global Administrator can take. 

Admin – SharePoint (applied to the entire organization) 

In the External Sharing section, administrators can control who users can send links to: 

  • Anyone: Users can send links to anyone without requiring authentication. 
  • New and existing guests: Any links will be disabled, and all sharing links will require authentication. 
  • Only People in your organization: Users cannot share with people outside the organization. 
image 3

Sharing Options for Individual Users 

Administrators can manage sharing settings for individual sites by navigating to Sites -> Active Sites -> choose a site -> Sharing

Despite the various options provided by Microsoft, you cannot entirely disable the option to share links within your organization. Regardless of the settings you configure, users will always have the option to share links with others in the same organization. 

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How to Disable Company Links for a Site? Only by Using PowerShell 

Even with the necessary permissions, a Site Administrator cannot restrict the use of company links through the standard sharing settings. This option can only be changed using PowerShell. 

Using PowerShell to Disable Company Links for a Site 

  1. Prompt for credentials: 

Powershell copy code 

$credential = Get-Credential 

  1. Connect to SharePoint Online Admin Centre: 

Powershell copy code 

Connect-SPOService -Url -Credential $credential 

  1. Get all site collections: 

Powershell copy code 

$sites = Get-SPOSite -Limit All 

  1. Loop through each site collection and disable sharing: 

Powershell copy code 

foreach ($site in $sites) { 

    Set-SPOSite -Identity $site.Url -DisableCompanyWideSharingLinks Disabled 

    Write-Output “Disabled sharing for site: $($site.Url)” 

By executing these steps, you restrict the use of company links, making “People you choose” the default link option. The “People in the company” option will be greyed out, preventing users from sharing company-wide links. 

image 2

In conclusion, while sharing links simplifies collaboration, it is crucial to implement proper controls to prevent unintentional sharing of sensitive information.  

Learn more 

blog Channel Management How To Microsoft Teams

How to Archive a Microsoft Teams Channel [GUIDE]

Microsoft Teams is one of, if not the, most popular UC platform for companies, especially that ever since covid hit back in 2019, companies had to switch to online/hybrid work. And that created a need to have everything digitized. But as is the case with all companies, the need for archiving is never ending.

Why is it important?

Companies deal with massive amounts of data over the years of doing business, whether it was folders/files. Communication and conversations, questions and answers and even pictures.

However, archiving is important by nature, the reason for this is that companies has to keep a record of their past customers, or communication anf information. Therefore it is needed to keep important relevant data.

Imagine a company back in the 1970’s that had all of their information, customers and even leads kept within a folder, in a drawer, in a room with hundreds and hundreds of other similar files.

Who would need it?

The usual need for archiving a channel in Teams becomes necessary when you have too many Channels with a lot of information (posts, tabs, images, GIFs, and your OOO alerts).

Another common case we hear is companies creating a new Channel in Teams when they have a new client/project/task and so on and so forth. What to do with those channels when you are done with them, do you leave them as is? Do you ignore them? Do you delete them?

A common solution for this problem is archiving those channels and AGAT introduced a creative, effective, and a genius way to address this issue.

How is Microsoft addressing this issue?

The way Microsoft addresses this issue is by archiving the whole team. And in our experience, companies use teams for various reasons, however, what is currently offered by Microsoft is the ability to archive a whole team. The way AGAT addresses it is by giving YOU the ability to archive a specific channel, along with the post, files, tabs, conversations and those good morning posts between colleagues.

What differentiates AGAT`s solution from other solutions?

What differentiates our solution from others is it`s friendly, comprehensive and easy to use UI. while being elegant, straightforward and quick.

The way we address archiving is by putting the channel that you want to archive in a specialized team called “Archiving team”. That would achieve the clean up and clutter removal, keep everything organized and in one place. And you can still access those archived channels with ease and convenience.

It is also as easy as following these simple steps:

  1. Log into your dedicated SphereShield portal
  2. Select MS Teams Management from the menu
  3. Click ‘Manage’ next to the Team that you want to archive a Channel from
  4. Press ‘OK’ 
  5. Sit back and watch the magic happen 😉

You can do this action repeatedly and archive however many Channels you want. This not only cleans up your environment, but also puts every unneeded Channel in one place, reduces cluttering, and it gives you the ability to access those archived Channels whenever you want. 

Avoid reaching the 200 Channel limit in Teams today! Contact us to try Channel Management for yourself.

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Watch this short video to see how to archive a Channel in Teams:

blog webex guides

Safe Content Inspection for Webex – Prevent harassment & bullying

The necessity for Content Filters

Sometimes security and compliance are just not enough to make sure that a business runs smoothly. There is one aspect of communication that goes barely unnoticed and still is problematic on many levels.

The advancement of technology has enabled everyone to collaborate and share information more easily. However, it has also provided another channel where harassment incidents may take place which can leave the person on the other end feeling unsafe. In the education industry, for example, students and teachers alike are required to follow a set of rules and proper practices to ensure a safe and reliable environment for all.

The corporate world must also ensure a safe environment for employees including anti-harassment policies as well as verifying that customer-facing communication is appropriate. 

Detecting unsafe content is not defined by clear rules, mostly because it is images and videos. Therefore, addressing this need requires serious machine learning involved in both detecting and avoiding false positives (labeling safe content as unsafe).

This necessity is universal and applies to small and big-sized organizations alike and especially, educational institutions that deal with minors.

Safe Content Inspection:

AGAT has introduced a new feature named Safe Content Inspection, which is now available for Webex.

By leveraging complex AI detection algorithms, AGAT is able to offer the technology that giants like Google or Facebook are currently using to keep inappropriate content away from their platforms.

The Safe Content Inspection solution inspects images -and soon videos- to detect unsafe content in the following categories:

  • Adult: the likelihood of the image containing adult content such as nudity.
  • Spoof: the likelihood that an image was modified to make it appear funny or offensive. 
  • Medical: the likelihood that this is a medical image.
  • Violence: the likelihood that the image contains violent content.
  • Racy: the likelihood that the image contains racy content such as sheer clothing or strategically covered nudity.

In Webex, AGAT’s technology is able to detect in real-time the content of the image and if it matches the categories set and take action to delete or notify on incidents identified.

As mentioned above, in the education industry, there are numerous cases where compliance, security, and institutional protocols demand tighter controls. For example, there might be a need to block 12th graders from communicating with 5th graders and restrict troublemakers from communicating with other students to prevent bullying at school.

Other than bullying, educational institutions would want to make sure a teacher is present in every communication in order to prevent student-only spaces where they might share inappropriate content under the watch of the school.

Large companies may set policies to prevent harassment in the workplace. With Webex Safe Content Inspection, companies can build a more professional environment and help employees feel less threatened.

Businesses also do not want their customer-facing team to be communicating inappropriately with clients, therefore, Safe Content Inspection can help prevent customer attrition and maintain a good image for the company.

Watch Safe Content Inspection in action:

To complete the security-compliance goals

SphereShield Safe Content Inspection was designed to help companies and organizations achieve a level of regulation and ethics needed to operate a business as it should be done.

If you would like to see a free demo of Safe Content Inspection, just Contact Us for a Free Demo Today.

Screenshots showing the solution in action:

Alice sending an image containing spoof (a funny face)

SphereShield deletes the image sent

SphereShield portal report on incident