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How to restrict and manage Webex Team Space creation for Governance needs – Case Study

How an important company using Webex Teams is currently benefiting from Sphereshield’s Ethical Wall when restricting space creationg

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Ethical Walls, more necessary than thought

Usually, Ethical Walls (Also known as “Chinese walls”, “Ethical firewall” , “Information barriers” or “firewall regulations”) are though to be usefull for a handfull of industries, specially the financial one. While this is partially true (financially regulated companies need by far ethical walls), a lot of everyday cases need for ethical walls.

Whether it’s preventing employees communicate with C-Level executives, restricting external communications or simply blocking file sharing for specific groups, the common thread for all of them are an effective ethical wall to apply corresponding policies

The Challenge: how to restrict creating spaces in Webex

An important company approached AGAT with the following challenge:

Their information governance manager wanted to restrict the ability to create Webex spaces for a specific group of privileged administrators.

The Solution: SphereShield for Webex Teams

To satisfy our customer’s need, AGAT provided SphereShield Ethical Wall for Webex Teams.

To explain how it worked in this case, the Ethical wall checks who did create a space, and if the user doesn’t correspond to the administrator group, the Ethical Wall blocks the user from adding anyone to that webex space.

This functionality is also present and built-in in SphereShield Ethical Wall for Microsoft Teams

For more information on this or any of our solutions Contact Us

webex guides

How To Use Webex Teams Built In eDiscovery

A practical guide

In this guide we are going step by step on how to use Webex Teams eDiscovery feature and show you another solution that could enhance it

Here is a video with the complete instructions

1. Go to the admin hub

2. Enter your Compliance Administrator credentials

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3. In admin hub go to Troubleshooting

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4. Then go to the status tab

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5. Under tools, click on eDiscovery 

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6. You can search manually or by importing a CSV. 

When generating a report, the ‘AND’ operation will be used to gather data.

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7. You can filter by e-mail addresses or by space names.

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8. Filter by dates. For information older than 3 months you will require the Admin Hub Pro pack.

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8. Give a name to your report and description. Then click Search & Generate Report.

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11. Download and install the eDiscovery download manager

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10. To view your report, click on the download option

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11. It will pop-up the eDiscovery download manager. Sign in with the same credentials used for the Admin Hub.

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12. The download should begin 

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13. Once the download is complete, you will be able to open the containing folder

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13. Unzip the archive

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14.  It will contain .eml files

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15. Each .eml file is a message sent in a space 

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Now that we explained how to use Webex’s built in eDiscovery, we want to show you a solution to deal with more advanced search.
For companies that are looking for more advance capabilities, AGAT as developed SphereShield for Webex. It offers a solution for eDiscovery handling advanced search on various fields.

How to search using SphereShield eDiscovery for Webex

1. Open Your Admin Portal

2. Go to eDiscovery → dashboard

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3. Click on Advanced search

4. Filter by time, participants, session type (Webex Teams, MS Teams, etc.), conversation type (space, meeting, chat), Team Name, Space Name, conversation id, message id, text (keywords), attachments or video recording.

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5. On the left you will have the search results list and on the right the content of the search result.

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6. Keywords will be highlighted. If the result is from a meeting transcript. it will be automatically chosen.

Screen OCR capture of meetings is also available. 

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7. Clicking on the timestamp of the meeting will open the video in a new window and will jump to that point.

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Comparison Table

SpS (SphereShield by AGAT)Webex Native
Search optionsTime, Participants, Session Type (Webex Teams, MS Teams, etc.),
Conversation Type (space, meeting, chat), 
Team Name, Space Name, Conversation Id, Message Id, Text (Keywords), Attachments or Video Recording.
Date, E-mail, Space Name
Search resultsWeb UIDownload Manager 
ReadabilityAll messages appear in the portalEach Space is stored in a different folder, each message is in a different .eml file
Retention policyUser-ConfigurableMore than 3 months require a pro license
ScopeIM, files, Audio, Screen Sharing, VideoIM and Files
DLPIntegrated DLPNo integration

Contact Us for more information

SphereShield eDiscovery for Webex Teams ->

guide webex guides

Step By Step – How to configure the SphereShield Webex App

A step by step guide showing how to configure the SphereShield for Cisco Webex App

1-Login to Webex with a user that has Compliance Officer “Service access” setting:

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2-Login to Webex Enter Webex Development:

3-Click on Start Building Apps button:

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4-You will see a list of existing applications, create a new one by clicking Create a New App button:

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5-Select Integration as a new app type:

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6-Fill in all the required settings.

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The important setting here is the Redirect URL. You should enter your AP URL with the addition of /account/webexauth suffix. 

Example for Fiji:

Note that the redirect URL is case sensitive.

7-Select all the options in Scopes:

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8-And click Add Integration button:

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9-Register the Webex App with Admin Portal:
On the Webex App page, you receive settings that you will need to configure Webex App in the Admin Portal: Client ID, Client Secret, Integration ID.

10-To start the configuration, copy all the text in OAuth Authorization URL field (black box):

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(can be easily done by 3 left clicks on the black box text to select all the URL and Ctrl+C to copy)

11-Paste it into new tab of Chrome (recommended to use incognito) in address line and press Enter:

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12-Accept the required permissions:

And you will be redirected to Admin Portal Webex App Configuration page:

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13-Enter the settings from Webex App: Client ID, Client Secret, Integration ID

14-In External Portal Web API URL please enter your AP external URL, like

Note that here it comes without any suffix, just the site base URL.

After clicking the Save button, the Admin Portal will try to connect to the configured Webex App and if succeeded you will the the following page: 

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15-Now the Webex App is configured, you can review the settings in Cloud Services Integration settings page:

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For any further information, contact us