
How to Better Organize Your Channels in Microsoft Teams


Effective organization and collaboration are essential for teams to succeed. Microsoft Teams has revolutionized the way teams communicate and collaborate, but as the platform grows, so does the need for efficient channel management. AGAT’s Channel Management solution is a powerful solution that enhances your Microsoft Teams experience by providing essential functionalities like move, archive, merge, copy, and export. In this blog, we’ll explore how AGAT Channel Management empowers users to organize their Teams channels effortlessly, improving productivity and streamlining workflows. 

Move Channels with Ease: 

Simplify the process of reorganizing your Teams channels by allowing you to move them between teams effortlessly. Whether your team structure is evolving, or you need to consolidate channels for better collaboration, AGAT makes it easy to ensure that the right people have access to the right information without the hassle of recreating everything from scratch. 

Archive Channels without Losing Data: 

Archiving channels is a seamless task, say goodbye to cluttered workspaces and hello to organized Teams environments. Channel Management enables you to archive channels while retaining all posts, files, tabs, and wiki content associated with them. This means you can declutter your workspace without losing any valuable information, making it easy to revisit past projects whenever necessary. 

Merge and Copy Channels for Efficiency: 

Streamline your workflow by allowing you to merge or copy channels without any data loss. Whether you’re working on similar projects or transitioning between phases, Channel Management ensures that you can build on previous work efficiently. This functionality saves you time and effort by eliminating the need to recreate content, ultimately enhancing productivity and collaboration within your team. 

Export Channel Content for Sharing and Documentation: 

Need to share project updates or documentation outside your team or organization? Channel Management has you covered. With the ability to export channel content to PDF format, it makes it easy to create reports, share project updates with stakeholders, or keep offline copies of critical information. This feature ensures that important insights and discussions are easily accessible and shareable, even beyond your Teams environment. 

By leveraging Channel Management, users can take their Microsoft Teams experience to the next level. Whether you’re reorganizing teams, decluttering your workspace, merging channels, or sharing project updates, AGAT provides the tools you need to organize your Teams channels effortlessly. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to clarity with AGAT Channel Management.  

Try it today and experience the difference it can make in your productivity and collaboration efforts. 

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MS Teams Sharing Options

DesktopApp 10

Remote collaboration has become a cornerstone of productivity for many organizations. Microsoft Teams, a powerful communication and collaboration platform, has risen to prominence as one of the go-to solutions for teams worldwide.

Among its many features, desktop and application sharing stand out as vital tools for real-time collaboration. Despite the versatility of Microsoft Teams in facilitating collaboration, it comes with inherent limitations, particularly regarding the granular control of sharing permissions.

In Teams, meeting policies are used to regulate who can present during meetings and who can request control of presentations. However, these policies are applied universally to all users within an organization, lacking the flexibility to differentiate permissions based on specific meeting contexts, such as internal or external meetings.

Controlling MS Teams Desktop/Screen Sharing and Content/Application Sharing

Screen sharing allows users to display their entire desktop or a specific application window to others in a Teams meeting or chat. On the other hand, application sharing enables users to share only a particular application, providing a more controlled sharing experience.

The Risk of Sharing and the Tools to Control

When it comes to screen sharing, there’s a heightened risk of unintentionally exposing sensitive information. A notification pop-up or an unexpected content window might appear, inadvertently revealing confidential data to meeting participants. This risk is amplified in environments where multiple applications are running simultaneously.

Conversely, application sharing offers a more deliberate approach. Users consciously select which application to share, reducing the likelihood of exposing unintended content. However, even with this more controlled method, there are still potential risks, especially if sensitive data resides within the shared application.

Why Granularity Control is Needed

In today’s security-conscious climate, organizations require granular control over screen and application-sharing capabilities in MS Teams. Here’s why:

Internal vs. External Sharing

Companies often need to differentiate between sharing within their organization and sharing externally. While internal collaboration may necessitate full sharing capabilities to foster productivity, external communication demands stricter controls to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Group/User-Specific Permissions

Granular control allows organizations to specify which groups or individual users can engage in screen-sharing and application-sharing activities. For instance, certain departments or project teams may require unrestricted sharing privileges, while others, such as HR or legal teams, may need more restricted access to prevent data leaks.

Blocking Screen Sharing vs. Allowing Application Sharing

Another aspect of granularity control involves the ability to block screen sharing while allowing application sharing or vice versa. This flexibility enables organizations to tailor sharing permissions based on specific use cases and security requirements. For example, a company might restrict screen sharing during sensitive financial presentations but permit application sharing for software demonstrations.

Using Teams Meeting Policies

Teams meeting policies are essential tools for administrators to manage meeting settings. Within the Teams admin center, administrators can access meeting policies and adjust settings related to content sharing. However, these settings are uniform across all users and meetings, without the ability to specify nuanced permissions based on meeting types or participants.

Managing Presenter Permissions

One crucial aspect controlled by meeting policies is the “Who can present?” setting. This setting dictates whether only organizers and co-organizers, authenticated users within the organization and guests, or all meeting participants can be presenters. While administrators can set a default value for this setting, it applies universally to all meetings organized within the organization.

Participant Control Permissions

Similarly, the ability for participants to give or request control during presentations is governed by meeting policies. This setting, however, is also applied uniformly to all users, without the option to customize permissions based on meeting scenarios.

Implications for Organizational Control

The lack of granularity in meeting policies poses challenges for organizations seeking to enforce specific sharing permissions. For instance, an organization may desire to allow employees to share their desktops freely during internal meetings but restrict them to sharing only specific applications during external meetings with clients or partners. Unfortunately, due to the universal application of meeting policies, such distinctions cannot be made within the Team environment.

Comparing Desktop vs. Application Sharing in MS Teams

Understanding Desktop Sharing

Desktop sharing in MS Teams allows users to share their entire desktop screen with others in the meeting. This means that participants can see everything happening on the presenter’s screen, including open applications, documents, and any other content.

Benefits of Desktop Sharing:

Comprehensive Visibility: Desktop sharing provides full visibility, enabling participants to view the presenter’s entire screen. Ideal for presentations, demos, and collaborative work involving multiple apps or documents.

Flexibility: With desktop sharing, presenters have the flexibility to switch between applications seamlessly during a meeting. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted flow of communication and collaboration.

Ease of Use: Desktop sharing is straightforward to use, requiring minimal setup or configuration. Participants can quickly join a meeting and view the presenter’s screen with just a few clicks.

Drawbacks of Desktop Sharing:

Security Concerns: Sharing the entire desktop screen may pose security risks, especially when sensitive or confidential information is visible. Participants must be cautious not to inadvertently share sensitive data during a meeting.

Potential Distractions: Since desktop sharing displays everything on the presenter’s screen, there is a risk of distractions from notifications, pop-ups, or unrelated content. Presenters need to ensure that their screen is clean and focused on the relevant material.

Exploring Application Sharing

Application sharing in MS Teams allows users to share specific applications or windows with other meeting participants. Unlike desktop sharing, which shows the entire screen, application sharing isolates the selected application or window for sharing.

Benefits of Application Sharing:

Focused Collaboration: By sharing specific applications or windows, presenters can focus participants’ attention on relevant content without distractions. This is particularly useful for software demonstrations, document reviews, or focused discussions.

Enhanced Security: Application sharing mitigates security risks by limiting the visibility of sensitive information to only the selected application or window. Presenters can confidently share content without exposing unrelated or confidential data.

Resource Efficiency: Sharing individual applications or windows can be more resource-efficient, especially when working with large or complex applications. This ensures optimal performance and responsiveness during the meeting.

Drawbacks of Application Sharing:

Limited Visibility: While application sharing offers focused collaboration, it may limit participants’ visibility to other content or context outside the shared application or window. This could potentially hinder communication or collaboration in certain scenarios.

Complexity in Switching: Unlike desktop sharing, which allows seamless switching between applications, application sharing requires presenters to switch between shared applications or windows manually. This may disrupt the flow of the meeting and lead to inefficiencies.


In summary, both desktop and application sharing in MS Teams offer unique benefits and drawbacks for remote collaboration. Desktop sharing provides comprehensive visibility and flexibility but may pose security risks and distractions. On the other hand, application sharing offers focused collaboration and enhanced security but may limit visibility and introduce complexity in switching between applications.

Ultimately, the choice between desktop and application sharing depends on the specific needs and preferences of your team. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each option, you can make informed decisions to maximize productivity and efficiency in your collaborative efforts using MS Teams.

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blog DLP eDiscovery Ethical Wall guide

Empower Your Compliance Team: The Ultimate Solution Revealed 

Compliance9 Blog

Are you ready to elevate your compliance team to new heights? Dive into the world of Agat Software, where cutting-edge solutions become the ultimate weapon for strengthening processes and policies. In this blog, we will unravel the power of Agat Software’s range of solutions, designed to empower compliance teams and enhance their efficiency. Discover how this trusted advisor in the industry can revolutionize your approach to compliance, providing you with expert tools and guidance. Get ready to unlock the potential of your team with Agat Software at your side. 

Revolutionizing Compliance Processes 

Agat Software is changing the game for compliance teams by providing a suite of tools designed to address the complex challenges of today’s digital environment. With features such as real-time data loss prevention (DLP), ethical wall policies, and eDiscovery capabilities, Agat Software ensures that sensitive data is monitored and controlled without hindering communication flow. By implementing these advanced solutions, compliance processes that traditionally required extensive manual oversight can now be automated, reducing the risk of human error and enhancing overall security. Furthermore, the solutions are adaptable to a variety of platforms including Microsoft Teams, Webex, Zoom, and Slack, ensuring seamless integration into existing workflows. This allows for a more proactive approach to compliance, ensuring that organizations stay ahead of potential risks. 

Enhancing Efficiency  

The solutions are meticulously designed to streamline compliance operations, thereby significantly improving efficiency. Key features include advanced analytics for monitoring and reporting, which allow compliance officers to quickly identify and address potential issues. The granular control over communication channels provided by the Ethical Wall service prevents unauthorized information exchanges, reducing the risk of data breaches.  

Agat Software enables compliance teams to operate with greater precision and less manual intervention, leading to a notable increase in productivity. 

Maximizing Compliance Capabilities 

Agat Software equips compliance teams with a robust set of capabilities, enabling them to enforce policies and regulations effectively. One of the key features is the Ethical Wall, which sets strict communication policies to prevent unauthorized interactions, critical for maintaining compliance in regulated industries. Additionally, the Real-Time DLP feature inspects content instantaneously, ensuring sensitive information does not leave the organization’s secure environment.  

The solution’s Archive & eDiscovery functionality offers another layer of control by safely storing communications and making them easily retrievable for audits and investigations. With these tools, compliance teams can: 

  • Enforce compliance across multiple communication platforms. 
  • Detect and respond to policy violations in real time. 
  • Securely archive interactions and rapidly retrieve data when needed. 

A comprehensive approach maximizes compliance capabilities while simplifying the complexities of data governance. 

Strengthen Policies 

Innovative solutions are crucial for reinforcing policies that safeguard an organization’s communication channels. By setting up Ethical Walls, compliance teams can enforce policy-driven barriers that prevent conflicts of interest and secure sensitive information. This is particularly beneficial for organizations that operate in heavily regulated sectors, such as finance and healthcare, where information segregation is mandatory. 

Furthermore, Agat Software enhances policy strength through: 

  • Real-time content inspection that blocks unauthorized data transmission. 
  • Comprehensive eDiscovery tools that facilitate rapid and precise data retrieval for compliance checks and legal inquiries. 
  • Customizable DLP strategies that cater to specific organizational needs and compliance requirements. 

By incorporating these advanced measures, the solution not only strengthens existing policies but also adapts to evolving compliance landscapes, ensuring that organizations remain resilient against both internal and external compliance threats. 

By adopting Agat Software’s advanced solutions, compliance teams can leverage technology to stay ahead of regulatory curves, minimize risks, and maintain a strong compliance posture in an increasingly digital world. 

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