As we move full steam into the new year, the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity is presenting organizations with challenges that demand innovative solutions. In 2024, three pivotal trends—regulatory compliance, technology advancements, and emerging threats—demand the attention of businesses looking to fortify their digital defenses. In this article, we’ll focus on the first trend: regulatory compliance, with a specific lens on the changes and threats surrounding the use of online collaboration platforms like Microsoft Teams and Webex. 

Stricter and More Global Compliance 

Regulatory compliance is transforming, becoming both more stringent and more global. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are recognizing the imperative need for comprehensive cybersecurity measures, resulting in the enactment of stricter regulations to enforce them. 

Data Protection Regulations: A Global Web 

Data protection regulations like GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California have paved the way for stringent data protection standards. In 2024, the trend suggests that more countries will follow suit, implementing their own data protection laws. For multinational organizations, this signifies a complex web of compliance requirements. 

Cross-Border Data Transfer Challenges 

Cross-border data transfer is set to become more critical in 2024. Recent regulations like the Schrems II ruling in Europe have heightened concerns about the legality of transferring data between jurisdictions. Companies will need to establish secure and compliant mechanisms for international data transfer. 

Supply Chain Security Mandates 

Governments, particularly in critical industries like healthcare and defense, are increasingly concerned about the security of supply chains. New regulations will demand that organizations ensure the cybersecurity of their suppliers and partners. 

Swift and Transparent Incident Reporting 

Regulations are evolving to demand faster and more transparent reporting of cybersecurity incidents. Organizations will be required to have robust incident response plans in place to comply with these evolving requirements. 

Microsoft Teams and Webex: Mitigating Risks with SphereShield 

In this changing landscape, tools like Microsoft Teams and Webex have become integral to remote collaboration. However, the increased regulatory scrutiny necessitates a comprehensive security and compliance solution. SphereShield emerges as a robust solution specifically designed to address the risks and challenges associated with Microsoft Teams. 

Real-Time DLP: Active Inspection for Comprehensive Protection 

SphereShield offers real-time (active) inspection of content—messages, files, and audio—before reaching the destination. It employs AGAT DLP engine or integrates seamlessly with leading DLP vendors, ensuring compliance with existing policies. Incident links to eDiscovery provide the ability to review conversation context efficiently. 

Ethical Wall/ Information Barriers for Controlled Communication 

To maintain control over user activities, SphereShield incorporates an Ethical Wall. It enables the blocking of communication between users and facilitates control over desktop sharing, file transfer, and more. Communication policies can be set based on various parameters, including groups, users, domains, conversation types, and scope (internal/external). 


SphereShield doesn’t stop at real-time protection; it offers extended eDiscovery capabilities. Data can be archived on the cloud or on-site, with a powerful search and export feature based on parameters such as user, time, channel, and text. Integration with existing on-site eDiscovery and archiving solutions is seamless. 

In the face of evolving compliance challenges, organizations must proactively seek solutions that not only protect their digital assets but also ensure adherence to the intricate web of regulations. As we navigate the complex cybersecurity landscape of 2024, SphereShield emerges as a critical tool for organizations relying on Microsoft Teams, providing a comprehensive suite of security and compliance features that align with the heightened regulatory demands of the digital age. 

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