In this guide, we are going to practically go step-by-step in order to create and manage meeting policies and messaging policies in Microsoft Teams.

We are also going to give tips on how to perform advanced governance actions such as permitting guest access, block joining anonymously to meetings and more.

First of all, this only works for users who have admin privileges in the Microsoft Teams Tenants.

Meeting Policies

Meeting policies are a series of different configurations in meetings that allow or block certain users from features or from performing specific actions.

How to Create a new Policy

1- Log into Microsoft Teams admin center

2- in the left menu, select  Meetings –>  Meeting Policies

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3-To add a new policy click in “+ Add”

What features does Microsoft Teams Meeting Policies allow to manipulate?

There are multiple options to select for meeting policies, we are going to mention the most relevant ones compliance-wise and then bring all of them.

Most relevant options:

Enable/Disable during Meetings:

  • Audio
  • Video
  • Transcription (look at our blog on Microsoft Teams Transcript)
  • Cloud Recording
  • Screen sharing (also lets select between entire screen/single application)
  • Give or Request controls for an internal user/external user
  • Chat in Meetings
  • Meeting Reactions
  • Private/Channel meeting scheduling

General options

  • Set Expiration time for meetings cloud recordings
  • Allow storing recordings outside of your country or region
  • Select which video filters are allowed: No Filter – Background blur Only – Background blur and default images – All filters
  • Let anonymous people start a meeting
  • Set which people are automatically admitted

Here is the entire list of configurations for meeting policies in Microsoft Teams

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How to Save, edit and assign meeting policies

Once you create a policy, save it by clicking “Save” at the bottom of the page

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Then policies should appear in the policy lists


By selecting it you can edit, duplicate it or delete it clicking in the menu on top

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Assign Meeting Policy to specific Users

To assign it to specific people you can click in “Manage Users”

Add as many users as wanted like in this example

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Applying policies to groups

You can assign a policy to a group by selecting “group policy assignment”


Then select to add a new group


Select a group by searching and the policy you just created

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By clicking “Apply” you will see it in the results

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Policies that are missing in Microsoft Teams

Advanced governance policies in MS Teams – How to enforce recordings and more

So until now we discussed all the options that are native to Microsoft Teams. The question arises when companies need to take a step further and decide on issues like

  • Enforce recordings on all meetings
  • Users/Groups allowed to create teams/channels
  • Users/Groups allowed to  add Guest to Team
  • Permitting Guest Access to other tenants
  • Block the users to join anonymously to meetings

The good news is that these options and more are available using AGAT SphereShield Governance for MS Teams

Here is the list of features available:

Creation and Ownership

  • Users|AD Groups allowed to create Teams
  • Users|AD Groups allowed to create Channels
  • Users|AD Groups allowed to be Team owners

Adding users

  • Users|AD Groups allowed to add users to Teams
  • Users|AD Groups allowed to add Guests to Team

File Uploading

  • Allow files to be uploaded to MS Teams | One Drive | SharePoint*
  • Users|AD Groups allowed to upload files to MS Teams | One Drive | SharePoint* 

Access control

  • Permit Guest Access to Other Tenants**
  • Block joining anonymously to meetings**


  • Enforce recording on all meetings

Here is a screenshot

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To get a Free demo of SphereShield Governance for MS Teams Contact Us today. Our sales team will contact you with all the information you need to know.